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Reunions: Aug. 13, 2016


The Charleston High School All Class Reunion: 6 p.m. to midnight, today, Charleston Civic Center. Tickets are $50 per person and may be purchased online at charlestonwvciviccenter.com or at the Charleston Civic Center Box Office. No tickets will be sold at the door. Visit the Facebook page: CHSALLCLASSREUNION or the website at charlestonhighwvreunion.com or email Sharon King at kingzorio@gmail.com.

The 109th Colonel Morgan Morgan Reunion: Today, Prickett's Fort, Fairmont. The Mountaineer will start the program at 10:30 a.m. and Cracker Barrel will cater lunch. Reservations can be found on the website at colmorganmorganreunion.org or by calling Steve Martin 304-363-0641.

Kirk Family: Noon, today, Dartmont Park. Bring a covered dish and drinks. Contact: Gloria Kirk at 304-766-8418.

The Charleston Catholic High School Class of 1971: 45th class reunion will be held on Friday and Aug. 20. For additional information contact Mary Frances Panzera Casey at mcaseywv@gmail.com.

The 2016 Pinch Reunion Gospel Music Jubilee: 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Pinch Reunion Grounds, Wig Wam Event Shelter, located on the corner of Reunion and North Pinch Road in Pinch. Artists appearing include: The Taylor Brothers of Big Chimney, Courtney Perry of Hansford, and Nicholas Naylor Trio of Pinch. Hotdogs, chips, funnel cakes and other refreshments will be served throughout the duration of the concert. Visit www.nicholasnaylormusic.com.

Annual Deep Water Reunion: 11 a.m., Aug. 20, Fayette County Park, Shelter No. 6, Beckwith. Bring a covered dish. Lunch will be served at noon. Contact: J.R. Rogers, 304-442-8271; Mary O'Dell, 304-442-4449; or Betty Jo (Walker) Whittington, 304-442-4594.

Thomas Paul Hendricks Family: Doors open at 10 a.m., Aug. 20 at the Washington Bottom Community Building. W.Va. 892. Bring a covered dish for the noon meal. For questions, call 304-422-1744.

Kuhl Family Reunion: Registration begins at 11 a.m., Aug. 21 at The Gilmer County Recreation Main Building in Glenville. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. Eating utensils and drinks will be provided and everyone brings a dish to share. Bring an item for auction. No alcohol. Contact: Jeanette Kuhl at 304-727-3854.

Greene Family Reunion: 11 a.m., Aug. 27, Shawnee Park, Shelter No. 4, Dunbar. Bring a covered dish, drinks and a $5 gift for the exchange. Descendants of Andrew and Annie Surratt Greene and friends are welcome.

U.S. Navy ship USS Perkins (DD26, DD377, DDR877) Reunion Association: Sept. 14-17, San Pedro California. Contact George H. Melgarejo, 1280 West 2nd St., San Pedro, California, 90732-3208, phone: 310-831-5417 or melgarejogeorge@yahoo.com.

Nitro High Class of 1966: 50th reunion, Sept. 17, Embassy Suites in Charleston. Registration for gala event is $75 per person or $140 per couple. Registration deadline is Monday. More information can be found at www.nhs1966reunion.com or by contacting Ron Thaxton at 304-776-5907 or info@nhs1966reunion.com.

Reunion notices may be submitted by mail to The Charleston Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV 25301, faxed to 304-348-1233, or e-mail: gazette@wvgazettemail.com. Notices will be run one time free. Please include a contact person's name and a daytime telephone number. Information will not be taken by phone.

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