Birds of prey
The Greater Huntington Park and Recreation District and Three Rivers Avian Center will have the grand finale and last stop of The Junior Naturalist Parks Expedition titled "Wings of Wonder, Birds of Prey!" at 1 p.m. today in Ritter Park's picnic shelter, Huntington. The free event is open to all ages. For information, visit or call 304-696-5954.
Splash party
Charleston Parks and Recreation will have a Back to School Splash Party for children ages 12 and under from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Aug. 14 at the Magic Island Splash Pad. Make boats and float them down the Tide Pool. Bubbles, chalk, beach balls and a variety of water activities will be featured. Activities will be appropriate for small children with parental supervision. For more information, call 304-348-6860; email or Facebook: Charleston, WV Parks and Recreation.
Murder mystery/dinner
The WV Desk and Derrick Club will host a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater to benefit its scholarship program from 6:30 to 10 p.m. on Aug. 18 at Steptoe & Johnson, 707 Virginia St. E., Suite 715, 17th floor. Dinner will be catered by Cheerful Heart and the show will be performed by Murder and Merriment. Tickets are $45 per person for the dinner and show. On-street parking is available or inside the parking garage beneath the Chase Tower, entrance is on Summers Street. To pay in advance, contact Autumn Humphreys at or visit
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