Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, Sen. Joe Manchin and members of the West Virginia Department of Commerce met with Japanese business officials in New York Friday to discuss investment in the natural gas industry.
Tomblin and Manchin, D-W.Va., met with members of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Ambassador of the Consulate General of Japan in New York, Japanese business officials that already have businesses in the state and other possible investors, according to a press release sent out by the Governor's Office.
Discover the Real West Virginia, an economic development group started by former Sen. Jay Rockefeller and now associated with Manchin, also was at the New York gathering.
"Today's economic conference highlights the strength of West Virginia's 30 year partnership with Japan that has helped create jobs for hardworking West Virginians and helped to diversify our economy," Manchin said.
During the gathering, those in attendance listened to speakers, including Kyle Mork, the president of Energy Corporation of America, and James Crews, a vice president with MarkWest Energy Partners.