A warm bed to sleep in at night is something many take for granted. That's all this 30-year-old mother of three wants for her children this Christmas.
She's a hard worker who cares for elderly people, but money is tight and she just had a baby, which has her on leave.
A place to sleep wouldn't be an issue if a recent move that required her to leave most of her furniture behind wasn't necessary.
"She already lives in a low-income apartment complex," the mother's caseworker said. "She can't afford the expense of beds."
The mother provides for her three children with the $1,000 she earns each month, and even with food stamps, she's having a hard time.
"She does the best she can," the caseworker said. "She takes really good care of her children."
Until she goes back to work, money will be even tighter. The children's father doesn't have a job, the caseworker said.
Having beds would go a long way to make the mother's new apartment feel like a home. She would like to buy bunk beds and mattresses for her 2- and 8-year-old children before winter.
"Her floors are tile and they're cold even in the warm weather," the caseworker said.
The mother needs $350.
Those who wish to help her may fill out the donation coupon in today's paper and include a check made payable to Gazette-Mail Charities.
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Gazette-Mail Charities is a 501(c)(3) organization. Charity cases have been verified by approved social service agencies.
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