Dunbar City Council voted Monday night to restore its firefighting staffing levels to normal.
"[Being understaffed] puts a strain on our fire department," said Dunbar Mayor Terry Greenlee.
The force is down three people, Greenlee said. Two firefighters were injured off-duty and have not yet returned to work, he added.
The action by City Council Monday night paves the way for fire Chief Butch Ellis to hire one full-time firefighter and one part-time firefighter with experience for at least 90 days.
The city will evaluate if any of its current injured firefighters will be able to return to active duty before hiring more than one full-time staffer, Greenlee said.
Council also approved a resolution authorizing Greenlee to apply for a state grant to enhance the city's park.
The grant funds would go toward building a new shelter and acquiring new playground equipment.
The new, larger shelter would be able to accommodate about 100 people, Greenlee said. He added the city does a lot of shelter rentals.
"We are upgrading our city park," Greenlee said.
The new playground equipment would cost about $40,000. It has been "several years" since the city had new equipment, Greenlee said.
"Playground equipment is expensive," he said. "It's not like going and buying your kid a swing set."
In other business, council:
* Approved minutes from Oct. 5 meeting
* Appointed Greenlee to fill Peggy Beavers' remaining term on the Kanawha County Emergency Authority Board of Directors
* Announced the Boo Bash will be 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Oct. 24 at Dunbar Landing at the Plaza - event is free
* Proclaimed the week of November 22 as Christian Heritage Week
* Proclaimed November National American Indian Heritage Month