GLEN JEAN, W.Va. - The National Park Service wants to know who used spray paint to vandalize a rock at an overlook site on the Long Point Trail in the New River Gorge.
One or more people used green and orange spray paint to write their initials and a heart on the rock, which overlooks the New River Gorge Bridge, officials said in a release. The incident is believed to have happened on or before Sunday Aug. 14.
The graffiti, which reads "AW [heart] AK" is nearly 8 feet long and 2 feet wide.
"Graffiti is illegal everywhere, but it's particularly disheartening to see the lack of respect shown in this case," acting superintendent Jeff West said in part in a statement. "This is one of the most popular trails in the park. It offers outstanding views and hikers have to work to get out here.
"Some come for the exercise, others for the sense of place and feeling of inspiration gained in such beautiful surroundings, but no one hikes all this way to see vandalism or man-made marks on the landscape," he said.
Vandalism cases like this one are punishable by up to 6 months in jail and fines up to $5,000, officials say.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the National Park Service at 304-465-6516.