In Around West Virginia: an inmate allegedly threw urine at a guard, West Virginia University Institute of Technology opens in Beckley, a Fairmont man allegedly pistol-whips another man, and more.
n An inmate at the Northern Regional jail in Moundsville allegedly threw a milk carton full of urine at a guard bringing him medicine, according to The Intelligencer/ Wheeling News-Register. Zacchery Brown Benedict, 24, of Follansbee, was in jail on a $20,000 bond while awaiting trial for an alleged nighttime burglary and an attempted escape in March. He is now charged with malicious assault and retaliation against a public officer.
n West Virginia University Institute of Technology opened in Beckley on Wednesday, The Register-Herald reports.
Governor Earl Ray Tomblin signed the WVU Tech relocation bill in March. The bill removed language that said the school must be headquartered in Montgomery.
n Milton doesn't typically experience flash flooding unless the Mud River is involved. But on Wednesday evening, Johns Creek flooded, The Herald-Dispatch reports. Ten homes were damaged and several roads were flooded. No one was injured.
n A Fairmont man allegedly pistol-whipped another man, according to the Times West Virginian. Anthony E. Cottingham, 33, was arrested Sunday by Fairmont police. He believed that Senate Corwin, 28, had stolen from him. Corwin has not been charged for that allegation. Corwin had a one-inch gash over his left eye and a six-inch cut on the left side of his head.
Reach Erin Beck at, 304-348-5163,, or follow @erinbeckwv on Twitter.