Kanawha County's school board has scheduled another special meeting on school flooding issues. This one, set for Wednesday evening, will include a presentation concerning Bridge and Clendenin elementary schools.
The board will meet 6 p.m. at the Clendenin Volunteer Fire Department, at 109 Maywood Ave.
Kanawha school officials still haven't said if Clendenin Elementary could be repaired and reopened. Kanawha Schools Superintendent Ron Duerring said Wednesday's meeting will provide an answer, one way or the other.
An assessment concluded that the late June flooding caused damages to the circa-1930 school equaling about 97 percent of its $3.7 million appraised value.
Any time a building is more than 50 percent damaged in such a situation, it has to be brought into compliance with national flood insurance policy. Though the estimate calculates about $3.6 million worth of damages, that's just the amount required to repair the building to how it was before the flood, not bring it up to current building codes.
At another special meeting two weeks ago, Duerring announced that Herbert Hoover High wouldn't reopen after the flooding, but a new Hoover would be built. At that meeting, Jane Roberts, the school system's assistant superintendent over elementary schools, said she expected students from Clendenin Elementary and Bridge Elementary would share the Bridge facility for about a month, until portable classrooms arrive.
Officials then said Clendenin students were going to attend six to eight portable classrooms in front of Bridge Elementary, but didn't say how long that situation would last.