n Richwood High School Lumberjack South/North: 4 p.m., Thursday, home of Dick Cutlip, First Street Avenue B, Riverside Addition, Richwood. Meat will be furnished. Bring a side dish and mementos to share such as yearbooks and photos. RSVP contact: Eleanor Weaver at 304-846-6642.
n Sissonville High School Class of 1976: 40th Reunion, Saturday Aug. 6 at the Holiday Inn and Suites Charleston West (former Ramada Inn) in South Charleston. Registration is $60 per person and can be made with checks payable to Mary Goff Brown. Mail to Christi Taylor Miller, 31 Western Drive, Hurricane, WV 25526. Contact: Anita Kidd Shaffer at 304-389-0673 or email sissonvilleclassof76@gmail.com.
n The 69th Tincher Reunion: Registration begins at 10 a.m. on Sunday Aug. 7 at the Tincher Park in Rainelle. A covered dish lunch begins at 12:30 p.m. Contact: Randy Tincher at 304-428-5412 or randytincher@suddenlink.net
n The Charleston High School All Class Reunion: 6 p.m. to midnight, Aug. 13, Charleston Civic Center. Tickets are $50 per person and may be purchased online at charlestonwvciviccenter.com or at the Charleston Civic Center Box Office. No tickets will be sold at the door. Visit the Facebook page: CHSALLCLASSREUNION or the website at charlestonhighwvreunion.com or email Sharon King at kingzorio@gmail.com.
n The 109th Colonel Morgan Morgan Reunion: Aug. 13, Prickett's Fort, Fairmont. The Mountaineer will start the program at 10:30 a.m. and Cracker Barrel will cater lunch. Reservations can be found at colmorganmorganreunion.org or by calling Steve Martin at 304-363-0641.
n The Charleston Catholic High School Class of 1971: 45th class reunion will be held on Aug. 19 and 20. For additional information contact Mary Frances Panzera Casey at mcaseywv@gmail.com
n Annual Deep Water Reunion: 11 a.m., Aug. 20, Fayette County Park, Shelter No. 6, Beckwith. Bring a covered dish. Lunch will be served at noon. Contact: J.R. Rogers, 304-442-8271; Mary O'Dell, 304-442-4449; or Betty Jo (Walker) Whittington, 304-442-4594.
n Kuhl Family Reunion: Registration begins at 11 a.m., Aug. 21 at the Gilmer County Recreation Main Building in Glenville. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. Eating utensils and drinks will be provided and everyone brings a dish to share. Bring an item for auction. No alcohol. Contact: Jeanette Kuhl at 304-727-3854.
n U.S. Navy ship USS Perkins (DD26, DD377, DDR877) Reunion Association: Sept. 14-17, San Pedro California. Contact George H. Melgarejo, 1280 West 2nd St., San Pedro, CA 90732-3208, phone: 310-831-5417 or melgarejogeorge@yahoo.com.
Reunion notices may be submitted by mail to The Charleston Gazette, 1001 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV 25301, faxed to 304-348-1233, or e-mail: gazette@wvgazettemail.com. Notices will be run one time free. Please include a contact person's name and a daytime telephone number. Information will not be taken by phone.