Kanawha Trail Club will sponsor a hike at 1:30 p.m. Sunday in Kanawha State Forest, from Ballard Trail to Castle Rock and return via Middle Ridge and Polecat trails. Carpool from the parking lot at the corner of Ohio Avenue and Randolph Street, across from the post office. The hike is approximately 3 miles with and with some moderate steepness.
The Kanawha County Republican Women's Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Monday at the Charleston Civic Center. Speaker will be state Sen. Donna Boley, of Pleasants County, who will speak about the Republican National Convention and the Republican nominee for president, Donald J. Trump. There will be a luncheon buffet available and parking is free.
West Virginia American Water and the Putnam County Library are hosting the Wonderful World of Water Day Camp - a two-day summer program offering educational water-related activities for children ages 7 to 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Aug. 10 and 11 at the Eleanor Library at 500 Roosevelt Blvd., Eleanor. West Virginia American Water staff will facilitate hands-on educational activities highlighting water conservation, watershed protection and leak detection along with fun activities including games, crafts and snacks.
Space is limited and registration is encouraged by Friday. A $10 fee is required to hold each camper's registration but will be refunded upon arrival at camp. Campers are required to bring lunch each day, and snacks and water will be provided. For information, call the Putnam County Main Library at 304-757-7307 or Megan Hannah at 304-340-2088.
Items for Bulletin Board may be submitted by mail to the Charleston Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV 25301; faxed to 304-348-1233; or emailed to gazette@wvgazettemail.com. Notices will be run one time free. Please include a contact person's name and a daytime phone number.