FLOODSTOCK: 12:30 p.m. Donations. Flood fundraiser, featuring Hard Reign, Mark Bradley, Crawdad Smoothie, Robbie & Jones, Non Friction, Carpenter Ants, Mindbender, Mark Miller Band, Siren Song. Roni's Pizza and Bar, 109 Crede's Landing, Elkview.
"SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE BEAST OF WHITECHAPEL": 2 p.m. Tickets $20. New Sherlock Holmes mystery presented by Astral Theatre Collective. Alban Arts Center, 65 Olde Main St., St. Albans. Call 304-721-8896 or visit
KANAWHA TRAIL CLUB HIKE: 1:30 p.m. in Mill Creek. Carpool from the parking lot at the corner of Ohio Avenue and Randolph Street, across from the post office. The hike is 3 miles on a flat country road.