COMMUNITY DRUM CIRCLE: 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Free. Hosted by Sheila McEntree and Al Peery. Schoenbaum Stage, Haddad Riverfront Park.
WEST VIRGINIA DAY CONCERT: 3 p.m. Free. Music by a trio of West Virginia composers, as well as selections from several recent films. Kanawha Valley Community Band. Kanawha State Forest (near the pool). Call 304-744-2885.
ACADEMY SINGERS PRESENTS TEVYE AND FRIENDS: 5:30 to 7 p.m. Free. Selections from "Fiddler on the Roof." Under the direction of Mark Hornbaker. St. John's Episcopal Church, 1105 Quarrier St. E.
"THE LAST FIVE YEARS": 8 p.m. Adults $15. Seniors and Children $10. Alban Arts Center production chronicling the evolution and eventual destruction of Jamie and Cathy's five-year marriage. Clay Center. Call 304-561-3570 or visit
"SCHOOL GIRL ZOMBIES FROM HELL HIGH": 2 p.m. Adults $15. Students and seniors $8. Musical comedy about the living dead. CYAC production.Capitol Theater, 123 Summers St. Call 304-342-6522.
"THE WIZ": 3 p.m. Tickets $25. Soulful African American twist on "The Wizard of Oz." Presented by Charleston Light Opera Guild. Charleston Civic Center Little Theater. Call 304-343-2287.
SURNRISE CARRIAGE TRAIL WALK WITH MUSIC, ART, AND DANCE: 1 to 4 p.m. Free. Performances by Trail Magic, Justin Johnson, Eduardo Canelon, JADCO and more. Sunrise Carriage Trail.
WEST VIRGINIA AUTHORS ROUNDTABLE: 3 to 5 p.m. Free. West Virginia Poet Laureate March Harshman, Anna Smucker and Sarah Dooley discuss recent works. Taylor Books, 226 Capitol St. Call 342-1464 or visit
YOGA IN THE PARK: 2:45 p.m. Free. Hosted by Folded Leaf yoga instructor Traci Levine. Haddad Riverfront Park. Call 304-344-9642.