An outdoor concert at Kanawha State Forest on Sunday will help fund repairs to the forest's only wheel-chair accessible trail.
The Spotted Salamander Trail opened in 1987 as a paved walkway accessible for both physically and visually-challenged hikers, according to a news release from the Kanawha State Forest Foundation. The walkway had braille interpretive nature signs and guide ropes for the blind. Over time, the signposts have rotted and the guides have gone missing.
The Kanawha State Forest Foundation is raising funds to renovate the trail.
Money is needed to pay for the new signs, repair asphalt, and purchase additional posts to support the missing guide ropes.
Concertgoers should bring their blankets and lawn chairs to Kanawha State Forest at 3 p.m. Sunday and claim a spot in the shade outside the pool complex.
The concert will feature music by the Kanawha Valley Community Band, free West Virginia birthday cake and cold drinks.
Donations are welcome.
Those who can't attend may donate online at: