Lecture canceled
The "Folklore and Folklorists" Little Lecture scheduled for Sunday at the MacFarland-Hubbard House in Charleston is canceled. Scheduled speaker Dr. Judy Byers of Fairmont is unable to travel at this time. The 2016 Little Lectures are now complete. The 2017 program will begin in March. For more information, contact program officer Mark Payne at 304-346- 8500 or payne@wvhumanities.org.
Trail club
Kanawha Trail Club will sponsor a new hike at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Forks of Coal. Carpool from the parking lot at the corner of Ohio Avenue and Randolph Street, across from the post office. The hike is 3-4 miles with some moderate hills.
Museum open house
The Historic Morgan's Kitchen Museum will be open from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday at its location on MacCorkle Avenue in St. Albans, across from Parkway Flea Market.
Alzheimer's workshop
The Alzheimer's Association, West Virginia Chapter, is hosting a "Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body" workshop at 3 p.m. on Monday at the Alzheimer's Association, 1601 2nd Ave. The workshop covers four areas of lifestyle habits associated with healthy aging: cognitive activity, physical health and exercise, diet and nutrition and social engagement. The free workshop is for individuals of any age. For more information regarding Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body, more information about Alzheimer's disease, or to connect to information and support through the free 24/7 Helpline, contact the Alzheimer's Association at 800-272-3900. A complete listing of all community workshops can be found at www.alz.org/wv.
Items for Bulletin Board may be submitted by mail to the Charleston Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV 25301; faxed to 304-348-1233; or emailed to gazette@wvgazettemail.com. Notices will be run one time free. Please include a contact person's name and a daytime phone number.