One attendee of last year's Norman Jordan African American Arts & Heritage Academy camp signed up for the visual-art discipline.
The camp also offers instruction in vocal music, instrumental music, theater and creative writing. Each camper chooses his or her particular interest.
But for this camper, there was an ulterior motive: Visual art means no singing, dancing or reciting anything during the showcase at the camp's conclusion.
Of course, though, as camp is wont to do, last year's experience changed this camper's feelings by the end of the week. He announced that he would take a different discipline at the camp for each of the next four years. And after that, he wanted to be a camp counselor.
The Norman Jordan camp takes place July 11-16 in Morgantown. Campers stay in West Virginia University dorms.
According to organizers, campers take field trips, meet with guest artists, have master classes and study STEM components that illustrate the connection between art and science.
Campers who already are interested in the arts look at the camp as a week of intensive training that enhances what they have already learned. For newcomers, it opens up a world of possibilities in the arts.
The Norman Jordan camp is one the camps sponsored this year by the Gazette-Mail Charities Send-a-Child-to-Camp Fund. Donations from readers help provide scholarships to students who might not otherwise be able to afford tuition to this camp and others like it.
To give, look for the donation coupon in today's newspaper, or go online, to, and click on the camp fund logo.