Buddy bench fundraiser
The Boone County Comprehensive School Counseling Program announced that the Boone County School Counselors are hosting a Be Kind Boone County Buddy Walk/Run from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at John Slack Park in Racine. Money raised will help purchase Buddy Benches for all Boone County elementary schools. The Be Kind Boone County Buddy Walk/Run only requires a $10 registration fee for individuals or $30 for a group of four. All participants will receive a free T-shirt. There will be concessions, music and tables set up for vendors. For information, contact Alysen Bryant, Boone Career and Technical Center Counselor, at 304-369-4585 or email akbryant@k12.wv.us.
NSDAR meeting
The John Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution will have its last meeting of the calendar year on Saturday, following the Armed Forces Parade in South Charleston. Meet at the library. After installation of new officers, lunch will be ordered in around 1 p.m.
Solar session
Kanawha County Solar Co-op will present a Solar Information Session at 2 p.m. on Saturday at West Virginia State University Economic Development Center, 1506 Kanawha Blvd. West. The session is free.
Lemonade Day
Mountaineer Montessori School will present its fourth annual Lemonade Day event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Capitol Market. Students in first through third grades will be selling lemonade along with baked goods as they learn the fundamentals of starting and running a business. Proceeds will used toward the purchase of new classroom materials and supplies.
Joints jog
Marshall Orthopaedics will host its annual Joints Jog at 9 a.m. Saturday at Barboursville Park. Registration for the 5K run and 1-mile walk begins at 8 a.m. Participants may register up until race time. Registration fee is $25 for runners and $10 for walkers. All proceeds will benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Huntington. Trophies will be awarded for the first-, second- and third-place males and females overall. For more information or to register, visit www.tristateracer.com.
Campus art
Dr. Janet Welch will discuss notable works of art from the campus collection on May 25 in the Erma Byrd Art Gallery at the University of Charleston annual UC Builders meeting and luncheon. A meet and greet time will be held at 11:30 a.m. and lunch at noon. Reservations for lunch at $18 are due by today. Call 304-357-4734 or email stephaniemartin@ucwv.edu.
Items for Bulletin Board may be submitted by mail to the Charleston Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV 25301; faxed to 304-348-1233; or emailed to gazette@wvgazettemail.com. Notices will be run one time free. Please include a contact person's name and a daytime phone number.