Centennial hike
In conjunction with the National Park Service Centennial, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park will host a special hike at 9:30 a.m. Monday in Loudoun Heights, Jefferson County. This 6-mile round-trip hike to Split Rock will offer a history of the mountain along with beautiful scenery. The approximately 4-hour-long hike is very strenuous and participants should plan to wear proper footwear, carry plenty of water, snacks and a lunch. Pre-registration for this hike is required and is limited to 20 people. Participants should pay the National Park Service entrance fee at the Park Entrance Station and ride the shuttle bus to Lower Town. The program will begin on the green near the shuttle drop-off. For more information or to register, call 304-535-6038.
REACH fundraiser
REACH: Rape Education, Advocacy, Counseling & Healing will sponsor a Give Back Night! on Monday at Pies and Pints restaurant. The restaurant will donate 20 percent of food and non-alcoholic beverage sales to REACH to those who present a flier, which can be downloaded at https://www.facebook.com/events/566056813560525/ or www.charlestonwv.com. Dine in or carry-out. To order, call 304-342-7437.
St. Albans Writes...
The Advisory Board of the St. Albans Branch Library presents St. Albans Writes... a monthly speaker series featuring local authors. The series is presented each month at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday in the community room of the library. The speaker this Tuesday will be Andrew Spradling, who worked for 14 years as a sportswriter for the Charleston Daily Mail before turning his writing focus to fiction. In addition to speaking about his novels, "The Long Shadow Of Hope" and "The Lost Lantern," Spradling will discuss the transition from reporting to writing fiction. Spradling's novels are available online at amazon.com.
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