In Around West Virginia: Huntington goes green for a different occasion, a fatal Mineral County fire, and more.
n The city of Huntington is fond of green year-round, but on Thursday residents donned it for a reason unrelated to Marshall University: St. Patrick's Day. Dee Delancey, who organized the parade on behalf of the Downtown Huntington Partners, said the city's last celebration held to mark the holiday was about 11 years ago - until it was revived with a parade through town yesterday evening. "This has been a dream of mine for a long time," Delancey told the Herald-Dispatch. "It's an indication to me that people really want things like this in Huntington."
n Two people were killed in a Thursday night fire in Mineral County, MetroNews reports. Firefighters were called to respond at about 11:30 p.m. It's the second major fire in Mineral County this week.
n An investigation into claims that the Morgantown mayor called the city garage in January to request snow removal on her street has ended, reports the Dominion Post. A Charleston-based law firm found the claim against Mayor Marti Shamberger "did not occur as related;" instead, the reason for Shamberger's call was to report ice forming on Charles Avenue due to a leaking fire hydrant - not snow removal on Ridgeway Avenue, where she lives.
n The Register-Herald reports that West Virginia State Police hope to have a positive identification of the remains found March 10 under the New River Gorge Bridge within the next couple weeks. "I spoke with the M.E. this morning and we're not really putting a timeline on it," Sgt. K.D. Horrocks said, before adding the April 1 date for an identification. Although the State Police "strongly believe" the remains are that of long-missing college student Robert Kovack's, authorities weren't able to publicly confirm the identification, said 1st Lt. M.T. Baylous, spokesman for the agency.