Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate their 95th Church Anniversary and Homecoming at 3 p.m. Sunday at the church. The Rev. Keith Walker, choir and congregation of Mount Zion Baptist Church of Garten will be guests. Dinner will follow the morning service.
West Virginia Home Mission, Nitro, will be celebrating their annual homecoming at 10 a.m. Sunday at the church. Faith Harmony Boys will be singing and Jimmy Totten will bring the message. Dinner will be follow. There will be no evening service.
Living Water Worship Centre, 513 Patrick St., will continue its Founder's Week Celebration honoring Elder Scott R. White's third pastoral anniversary on Sunday at the church. Elder Wesley Ward of Johnson City, Tennessee will speak at 5 p.m. For more information, call 304-989-0655.
Walker Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Tuppers Creek exit off Interstate 77 in Sissonville, will celebrate its 75th anniversary with special homecoming day services. Terry Workman will preach during the service starting at 11 a.m. Sunday service and Jim Edens will be singing. Jim Edens and friends will be singing following the lunch in the church annex. For directions or information email or call 304-345-8779.
Spring Fork Missionary Baptist Church, 320 Campbells Creek Drive, will have their homecoming services at 7 p.m. nightly, Monday through Wednesday at the church. Preaching will be given by the Rev. Dr. Joe Arthur, Pastor of Harvest Baptist Tabernacle, Jonesboro, Georgia. Church pastor is Mike Long.
Pilgrim Home Missionary Baptist Church located at 7015 Kanawha St. in St. Albans, will be celebrating their 92nd Church Anniversary on Sunday. The speaker for the 11 a.m. service will be the Rev. Riccardo Flippin, associate minister of The Father's House. Speaker and guests at the 3 p.m. Sunday service will be the Rev. Letari Thompson, choir and congregation of Metropolitan Baptist Church. Kenny and Patsy Groom are Anniversary Chairpersons.
Barbara Whitestone, Pastor of Faith Tabernacle Church, 4918 Church Drive, Rand, will celebrate its 37th Pastoral Anniversary at 3 p.m. Sunday at the church. Guest speaker will be Minister Darius Jones, formerly of Charleston.
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Carbondale, will celebrate its pastor's 5th Anniversary with a program at 3 p.m. Sunday at the church. Speaker will be the Rev. Charles Gore.
First Presbyterian Church, 16 Leon Sullivan Way will sponsor a new Summer Book Club. The first book read will be "The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution and the Power of Love by Dr. Ilia Delio, Professor, Georgetown University. The group will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, reading one chapter each week. There is no charge. Attend as your schedule permits. Dr. Delio will be in Charleston to present two workshops on "God, Evolution and the Power of Love" at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. today. For more information and to join the book club, call the church office at 304-343-8961.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church will sponsor a bazaar from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 10 at 6823 Sissonville Drive, Sissonville. Tables are available for rental for $10 and vendors keep the profits. No rummage sale items will be allowed. To rent tables and for information, call Sue at 304-342-0588.
Glasgow United Methodist Church will have a fall festival on Sunday at the church. There will be games, free food and entertainment for all ages. Darick Biondi is the Pastor 304-542-3698.
Montgomery United Methodist Church, 315 5th Avenue, Montgomery, will have an indoor yard sale and a hot dog and baked goods sale from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Oct. 3. The church is located across from the Montgomery General Hospital.
Teays Valley Church of God will offer a Single and Parenting Support Group class from 2:15 to 3:45 p.m. on Sundays. The group will feature video sessions to help parents develop effective strategies on being a single parent. Each group topic is self-contained so participants may start at any time. Call 304-757-9222 to register. The class is free, however, there is a $15 fee for the workbook. Teays Valley Church of God is located at 6979 Teays Valley Road in Scott Depot, just east of Exit 40 off Interstate 64 up on the hill.
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class will be offered at 6 p.m. beginning Thursday at Teays Valley Church of God. Ramsey's class will show how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely and much more. There is a cost of $109 per family for the materials kit, but the class instruction is free. Contact the church office at 304-757-9222 to register for the class. Teays Valley Church of God is located at 6979 Teays Valley Road in Scott Depot, just east of exit 40 off Interstate 64.
Teays Valley Church of God will sponsor a new Divorce Care Support Group that will meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays at Teays Valley Church of God, 6979 Teays Valley Road, Scott Depot. Participants will view a DVD, which covers topics such as depression, anger, loneliness, financial survival, kid care, forgiveness, moving on and more. Participants will need to purchase a required $15 workbook. The class itself is free. Childcare will be provided. To register, email Brenda at or call 304-757-9222.
The Lays Academy of Religion will present Dr. Ilia Delio, Professor of Theology, Georgetown University, today at First Presbyterian Church, church activities building, 16 Leon Sullivan Way. Dr. Delio will speak on "God, Evolution and the Power of Love." Dr. Delio will present two workshops: Workshop 1, 10 a.m.: God and the New Cosmology; Workshop 2, 1:30 p.m.: The Implication of Evolution for Christian Life. A lunch will be included. Donates are appreciated. The event is free.
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at 520 Kanawha Boulevard has a discussion group that meets for one hour every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. It is an open forum, inviting all to participate. One of the true congregational seniors will describe her years as a missionary in Peru.
Unity of Kanawha Valley, 804 Myrtle Road, will be hosting a hot dog sale along with New Hope Animal Rescue from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. today on the church parking lot. New Hope Animal Rescue will be on the other side of the parking lot with dogs, weather permitting. They will have photos of cats. These animals are in need of foster and adoption families. Hot dogs, chips, baked goods, and drinks will be on sale.
A rummage sale will be held from 8 am until 2 p.m. Oct. 2 and 3 at the Nitro Church of God, located at the corner of 15th Street and Second Avenue in Nitro. The rummage sale will be held in the gray building behind the church on the 15th Street side. There will be clothing, household items, toys, books, movies, furniture, tools, and more. The kitchen inside the church building will offer biscuits, hot dogs, pinto beans, white beans, cornbread, fried potatoes, macaroni salad, chips, soft drinks, coffee, and baked goods. There will be a silent auction and orders will be taken for nuts and assorted chocolates, which will be delivered in November, prior to Thanksgiving.
Fairlawn Baptist Church is having an indoor yard sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 3 in the Family Life Center, former Mound School, 20th Street and Fletcher Avenue, Dunbar. There will be a variety of vendors selling Christmas and fall items, crafts, baby and children's items, books and much more. Sausage and biscuits, hot dogs, nachos and cheese and homemade desserts will be available for purchase during the sale. Tables can be rented for $10 each. To reserve a table or for more information, call 304-768-6240.
Trinity Christian Church will sponsor a Children's Day from 1 to 3 p.m. today with a Grandparents Picnic with stories, special songs, games and a look-alike contest. Grandparents Sunday will be observed Sunday with generation photos to be taken and awards. Sunday school begins at 10 a.m. and the Sunday morning service at 11 a.m. For more information, call Pastor Terry Walker at 304-756-1136. Directions, from Davis Creek Exit of U.S. 119 - pass Bridgeport Equipment to Leisure World. Turn left at Leisure World onto Kanawha State Forest Road, County Route 20. The church is approximately 1 mile on the right, across from W.Q. Watters.
St. George Orthodox Cathedral will have its annual dinner from noon to 6 p.m. Oct. 18, in the St. George Conference Center, corner of Court and Lee streets. The menu includes kibbee, ground meat and wheat, yahbrah, cabbage rolls, loobia bunadoora, green beans in tomato sauce; rooz 'b sharyeea, butter rice with orzo; salata, salad with oil and lemon dressing, baklawa dessert, multi-layered fillo and nuts; pita bread; coffee or ice tea. A $15 donation is requested. Carry-out orders are available. Ethnic groceries will be available on the lower level. Diners are invited to tour the sanctuary. For more information, call 304-346-0106.
Mount Olivet Missionary Baptist Association Congrses of Christian Education will be in session at 6 p.m. on Friday and 8:30 a.m. Sept. 26 at Pilgrim Home Missionary Baptist Church.
Outreach Ministries LLC will present the WV Fall Gospel Jubilee 2015 on Oct. 23 and 24 at Valley Park Community Center (Wave Pool Park), 1 Valley Park Drive, Hurricane. The schedule is: Oct. 23, Michael Combs; Oct. 24, The McKamey's and Archie Watkins. Doors open at 6 p.m. and concerts begin at 7 p.m. nightly. Call 304-543-8755 for more information and to order tickets. Order tickets by Oct. 1 and receive a discount.
Outreach Ministries LLC presents the WV New Years Eve Southern Gospel Spectacular 2015 on Dec. 31 at Valley Park Community Center (Wave Pool Park), 1 Valley Park Drive, Hurricane. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the concerts begin at 7 p.m. Singers include: Gold City Quartet, Adam Crabb of the Gaither Vocal Band, The Nelons, Allison Speer, Wilburn and Wilburn, Mark Bishop, Angela Primm, and "The Incredible" piano player, Timothy Noble. For information and to order tickets, call 304-543-8755. Order tickets by Nov. 1 and receive a discount.
Ward Cemetery Gospel Sing Benefit will be held at 6 p.m. Oct. 3 at Shrewsbury Baptist Church, 1096 Ferry Street, Shrewsbury. Singers include: Eyes of Faith, Zamar, The Believers, and Rose Fisher. All donations will be used for maintenance of the Ward Cemetery. Call for information: 304-727-5695.
The Evans Family Trio from Campbells Creek will be performing at the 11 a.m. Sunday service at Starcher Baptist Church, 6th Avenue in North Charleston.
Quindora Dobbins will sing at 7 p.m. Monday at Lucy Wilson Baptist Church, Wills Creek, Elkview.
The Next Generation of Praisers, Young Peoples Division of St. Paul A.M.E. Church, 1108 Second Ave., will celebrate their 5th Annual Concert at 3 p.m. Sunday at the church.
The BrighterSide Quartet will sing at 7 p.m. today at Sinking Creek Baptist Church, Alta, near Lewisburg. They will sing at 6 p.m. Sunday at Cross Road Baptist Church, Huntington.
Crossroads Fellowship Church located at 116 Pennsylvania Ave., North, St. Albans, will have its fall revival with Elder William N. Brooks, Pastor, at 7 p.m. nightly, Wednesday through Friday at the church. Guest speakers are Elder Chris Henry of Central Community Tabernacle, Pastor Larry Coberly of Dunbar Assemblies of God, and Evangelist/Pastor Brian Patterson of War. For directions visit
Evangelist Archie Atwell will speak at revival services at 7 p.m. nightly, Sept. 29-Oct. 3 and 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Oct. 4 at Trinity Christian Church, Kanawha State Forest Drive, Davis Creek. For transportation or more information, call Pastor Terry Walker at 304-756-1136.
A "Back To Church" service will be held at 10 a.m. on Sept. 27 at First Presbyterian Church, 201 Kanawha Terrace, St. Albans, WV. A church picnic will be held on church grounds following the worship service. Food, music, a jumping house for children, and fellowship will be featured.
An upcoming Relaunch Service will be held Sunday at a special dedication service to change the church name to Red House Bible Church, located 1 mile south of the Winfield Bridge on W.Va. 62. On this special day former Pastor Jackie Clark will be preaching during the morning worship hour at 10:45 a.m. Then the ladies of the church will provide a meal at noon. The dedication service will be held at 1:30 p.m. with the Rev. Dr. Glenn Mathews preaching and a church member dedication will be featured. For information, visit
Twin City Bible Church, 100 First Ave., Nitro, extends a special invitation to everyone to attend its 2015 Missions Conference on Sunday through Wednesday at the church. Speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Jerry Sivnksty. Sunday services are 9:30a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Services are 7 p.m. nightly, Monday through Wednesday. Call 722-4677 for more information.
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 442 McDonald St., South Charleston, will have a joint 11 a.m. worship service with the new First Missionary Baptist Church of Kanawha City. The service will be at 442 McDonald St., South Charleston.
Thomas Memorial Free Will Baptist Church, 522 Buffington St., Huntington, will have Sunday school at 10 a.m. and the morning worship at 11 a.m. Sunday with Pastor Jason C. Black preaching. The evening worship service begins at 6 p.m. Sunday with the church singers and choir singing. Pastor Jason C. Black will preach. The prayer meeting and youth group meeting is 7 p.m. Tuesday. The church choir will sing and Pastor Jason C. Black will preach.
Items for Church Activities may be submitted by mail to Charleston Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St. E., Charleston, WV 25301, faxed to 304-348-1233 or e-mail: Notices will be run one time free. Please include a contact person's name and a daytime telephone number. Information will not be taken by phone. The deadline is noon Thursday.