Stephanie has been in an abusive relationship for four years. She has two children - an infant and a toddler.
Recently, the abuse hit a climax when, angry over his dinner, her husband threw her down a flight of stairs.
She knew she had to get out.
The next week, while her husband was gone, she fled with her children and a couple of suitcases.
She had to leave behind all of her children's furniture and other baby items.
She turned to the Metro Valley Chapter of the Gabriel Project, one of the local help agencies supported this holiday season by Gazette-Mail Charities.
The Gabriel Project helps deserving families get the child care items they need. Federal regulations do not allow the agency to distribute used cribs and car seats, so they all must be purchased new.
Stephanie could really use a crib for her infant child, but the Gabriel Project has a waiting list of more than 30 families in the Kanawha Valley in line for a new crib.
Donations from newspaper readers to the Gazette-Mail Charities holiday fund drive can help Stephanie and others like her.
Won't you please consider a donation today?
Giving is easy: Just fill out the donation coupon in today's paper and mail it with your check, made payable to Gazette-Mail Charities. Or, to give online, go to and click on the Gazette-Mail Charities logo.
Gazette-Mail Charities is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible.